

Women's Conference

Saturday, April 20, 2024, 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM

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Women's Spring Conference: April 20th Doors open @8:00am conference begins @8:30 and ends @3pm


Worship, Teaching, and Break out groups! 
Continental breakfast will be provided and lunch. 
Come Join us for an amazing day Focusing on what it means to "Embrace a Sacrificial Life."

Esther 4:14
We will have three keynote speakers from our own FBC, Laurie Magee, Sherry Highfill and Danielle Rylander as well as Break Out groups, lead by various women from FBC, exploring what it means to Live a Sacrificial Life.

Cost $20 in advance and $25 at the door.
April 20th Doors open @8:00am conference begins @8:30 and ends @3pm